Release dates

To a consumer in the market looking to buy, what is available today and what will be available in the immediate future matters. Not everyone is a rich pompous technology analyst or hipster Valley investor that they can afford to buy an iPhone 5 today and a Lumia 920 in two months. I can’t. Many others can’t.

For us, we need to know what’s in the market when we are looking to buy. We also need to know what will come to the market in 3 months, you know, because we don’t want to feel like idiots. As an analyst one looks at projections and road maps, so when they say a product available 3 weeks from now can’t be compared to one that’ll be available 6 weeks from now, I question their professional expertise.

The Lumia 920 might not have a ship date but if common sense is any indication, it’s coming in November. If I am not locked to an ecosystem or blinded by its gloss, I’ll look at what is available in September and what will come out during the Holiday season, which also happens to be the biggest consumer technology launch period for a reason.


Now read this

Stylus and the pen

In the world of Apple apologists (and I don’t use this term lightly) Steve Jobs’ quote about having a stylus is the end to every argument. The debate around having a stylus, today, is misguided. There’s a fundamental difference between a... Continue →